Thursday, February 26, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Things have been a little crazy around here the past few weeks so that's why I haven't been able to blog in awhile. Elle has also been a very busy little girl hitting yet another milestone. She has started eating cereal!! She had her first taste of it on Sunday night and it was definitely just a taste because most of it went down the front of her instead of actually in her mouth. After the first few tries Elle has started doing pretty good with her cereal and it even seems like she gets excited when she sees that little bowl and spoon sat in front of her. Of course, I had Robby snappin pics the whole time to capture the memories.

Wrig sat next to Elle through the whole first eating experience and he has continued to do the same every single night. Wrigley even got to have a little taste of cereal himself when he licked Elle's fingers while I wasn't paying attention.

The second night Elle had cereal she decided that the bowl was way more exciting than the actual food so I let her play with it a bit once she was done.

Of course there's Wrig just waiting for his chance to try and get a taste.

Elle is really starting to get good at sitting up so we decided it was finally time for her to try out the horse that Grammy Kim and Grampy Rick got her for Christmas. At first she wasn't sure what to think but then we made the horse sing its little song and then she was in love. Elle especially loved pulling on the horse's hair and trying to lick the top of its head.

I can't wait to put this little horse in Elle's new playroom that we are starting to work on. Ok so technically we haven't actually started working on it yet but we will be this weekend. I already know everything I want to do for the room we just haven't put the plans into motion. I will make sure to put some pics up once we are all finished. I think Elle is really going to love having a room all to herself because the kid just loves to be busy. In fact now that Elle is sitting up basically all she wants to do during the day is sit and play with stuff. She sure knows how to keep me busy these days but I'm definitely enjoying it.

In a few weeks I'll get to post about our trip to Chicago which we are sooooo excited about. We are going into downtown Chicago with my parents, sister and brother-in-law. I can't wait because we are going to be taking Elle to the Shed Aquarium and I know she's going to love it. We've been preparing for the trip by watching Elle's Baby Einstein Sea Animals dvd and since she's absolutely crazy for the dvd I know she's really going to love seeing everything in real life.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I just had to get on a blog about this because I am so extremely excited. Elle and I were just having a photo shoot (By the way before you think I'm a bad mother for having my child in just a onesie in the middle of winter I did it because I wanted to have pics of her chubby little arms and legs so that is the reason for the lack of clothing). Anway back to the main focus here. So anyway we were taking pics and I thought hey I wonder if Elle would sit up at all for a second or two by herself. Well I couldn't believe my eyes when she sat up all by herself for about 3 minutes straight. I took this first photo in sure disbelief haha.

Then the mom in me came out and I thought oh duh I should probably put some pillows around this kid before she crashes and burns although I was sitting right next to her incase of a sudden fall.

I swear when she was sitting there she acted as if she's been doing it forever and in the pics she's definitely giving off that vibe as well.

Other than this exciting sitting up by herself adventure Elle and I have had a pretty normal day. Of course, I got my early morning wake up call which consists of Elle squealing and cooing in her basinet. The instant I peek my head over her bassinet I get the biggest smile in the world. I mean come on now who wouldn't want to be greeted that way in the morning, it makes it pretty hard to be in a bad mood because you're up so early. As far as I know Elle is one of the only people I know that wakes up at 6 am with a smile on her face.

(P.S. Kate I know you're gonna be really excited that I have already written 2 blogs this week haha!!)
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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Talkin Bout My Best Friend

So Elle wanted to take this time to tell you all about her new BFF and that would be our dog Wrigley. I swear for the past week these two have been inseperable. As you can see from the picture below they even like to sleep next to each other. Elle really loves when Wrig sits within arms reach of her because that means that then Elle gets to pet him. OK I'm using the term pet very lightly here haha what I should say is Elle likes to grab and pull on Wrigley. Elle especially loves it when she gets ahold of his little ears because then there is no way for him to escape. On Thursday I caught Elle holding Wrig hostage while she was playing on the floor. She had two fistfuls of Wrigley's hair and she was holding on for dear life. Poor Wrigley was looking at me like ummmm excuse me does no one see that this kid is hurting me and won't let me go haha. Actually though Wrig is a really good sport and lets her physically abuse him without any complaints. We've decided Wrigley just loves getting attention from Elle even if it's negative attention.

While Elle is taking this time to tell you all about her and Wrigley's relationship she would also like to tell you about her other new friend. Her THUMB!
Elle has just been working and working to get that little thumb in her mouth and finally she has done it. As much as I hate to admit it she is super duper cute when she's sucking on her thumb but hopefully it won't become to addicting for her. I guess if we have to in the future we can have her attend Thumb Suckers Anonymous so then she can kick the habit!!

We are going to wrap this up with a cute little pic of Elle licking her new teether. I put it in the fridge because apparently it's supposed to feel good on their gums, but I think this confused Elle because she thought it was a popsicle instead of a teether so she then sat and licked it until it warmed back up. Oh what a cutie!!
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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Let's get started

As much as I hate to admit it I know that someday there are going to be lots of little things that I forget about Elle so I've been trying to think of ways to keep track of all the wonderful little things she does. I've tried writing stuff in a book but I hate my sloppy handwriting and I'm always forgetting to write in it. I do take a ton of pictures of her but then they just sit in my picutres folder on the computer. So after my bff Katie started a blog for her daughter I though well duh I should do the same. Perfect combo I can write stuff about Elle and post pics for everyone to see!! I'm sure I'll write stuff about me and my hubby Robby sometimes too but my guess is that most of my posts will be about my awesome daughter!! Ok so sue me I'm a little obsessed with Elle but if you ask me more people should be obsessed with their kids!
Right now Elle is sleeping and I'm super pumped that she is actually napping in her crib today. In fact, this is the second day in a row that she has napped in her crib. Ok sure for the past month she has taken a few naps in her crib but those usually lasted all of 5-10 minutes. I swear it was like yesterday all of a sudden she got it and thought oh ok mom you want me to lay down in here and actually sleep for a long period of time. Well she's got it and I'm lovin it that I'll actually get a few breaks in my day now!! Don't get me wrong I do love playing with her but all you moms out there know how much we look forward to a little time of our own.
Well, this is all for now but don't you worry I will definitely be posting on here regularly about all the exciting things happening in ours lives. Elle wanted me to put a few pics up of her so that she can show you all her new sunglasses and hair bows that her Grandma Kimmy bought for her!!

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